⚡ Nyhet! Coachingpaket för dig som blivit uppsagd 

Technology and innovation

Explore our wide range of technical solutions and innovation services. Our expertise in technology and innovation drives success and growth

We offer the following technology:

TQ Digital AI colleague: Theo

Theo is an AI colleague, a reliable resource when it comes to everything related to TQ Nordic and its tools. Theo is equipped with in-depth knowledge of TQ’s various tests, including TQ Personality, TQ Motivation and TQ Skills. Theo can give you detailed answers about character traits, competencies, scales, and also give advice and recommendations based on TQ’s proven methods and models.

Create your own AI colleague

Create your own AI colleague and take your business to the next level of productivity and success. Contact us today to explore the possibilities and get guidance in building your own custom AI solution.

With your AI colleague, you can automate tasks, facilitate decision-making and improve the efficiency of your organization. It is always ready to work for you and can provide you with concrete and actionable insights based on data and analysis.

Talent Management Analytics

Ett motivationstest kartlägger vad som motiverar en individ och är ett kraftfullt verktyg för att arbeta med exempelvis utveckling av personer och grupper, coachning, samt kultur- och värderingsarbete.

Medan personlighetstest kartlägger hur en individ beter sig i olika situationer, visar motivationstestet varför samt vilka värderingar och drivkrafter som ligger bakom. Testet ger dig konkreta actions för hur du kan arbeta med engagemang och skapa motivation utifrån individens tydligaste motivatorer, trigger points.

Skräddarsydda lösningar

Vi kan hjälpa dig att implementera och integrera lösningar som automatiserar rekryteringsprocesser, analyserar och bedömer kandidater med hjälp av avancerade algoritmer, och utvecklar personalens färdigheter och kompetenser med hjälp av AI-baserad inlärning.

How can we help you?

We offer a range of fantastic services and solutions that can be tailored to your specific needs. Book a demo with us today and let us show you how we can help you.